Analytics and Reporting

The Airship SDK provides analytics and reporting support.

Our Web SDK comes with analytics support out of the box, and by default, there are no explicit preferences you need to set in order to enable reporting. The integration is handled automatically unless you set disableAnalytics to true.

Custom Events

Custom Events are available out of the box and ship with the Web SDK. See the events in our Airship Web SDK Reference for complete details.

Custom Events require Analytics to be enabled, which is the default setting. If you disable analytics, no Custom Events will be recorded.

We provide convenient templates to track common sorts of events. See Custom Event Templates for more information.

Disable Analytics

When the website has disabled analytics in the SDK at the website level or for an individual user, no analytics events will be sent to Airship. Analytics events includes things like sessions, clicks, and custom events.

To disable analytics for a specific browser/user
UA.then(sdk => {
  sdk.disableAnalytics = true

If it is necessary to disable analytics for an entire install set disableAnalytics to true in both the snippet and push-worker configuration.

Disable all analytics
disableAnalytics: true